Friday, March 9, 2007

State of the Day

Bread: My first attempt at real homemade sourdough is in the oven, rising (I have a gas oven so the pilot light helps keep it warmer in the oven, allegedly. Plus I put a ceramic container full of boiling water in the oven with my bread to help keep the temp up too. Apparently on top of you fridge is also a good place to rise bread since its slightly warmer from the heat exhaust of the engine, but I don't want to think to hard about the dust underneath the cabinets on top of my fridge, so I just don't go there.)

Curry: My Indian curry is in the crock pot bubbling happily. I'll post pictures and the recipe if it turns out well, and if not then I'll detail the disaster. Or pretend it never happened.

Hot and Sour Soup: scheduled to be made Saturday with DBF.

The Cardigan: Two votes for the IK Cardigan, one from my friend Meghan (good friend of mine) who says it looks more like my style, and one from Asa (whose blog I would love to see, but has her profile set to private :-\)

The Granite Silk: Shipping! I can't wait!

The Afghan: I found a hole! I think its where one of my yarn joins didn't hold. Crochet really just doesn't lend itself to being fixed, so I just tied a knot as prettily as possible, and declared that I was going to put one of the decorative flowers there. Why have the flowers if not to bput them to use?

Pictures of everything and stories of adventure and my SWE knit event Monday :-)

1 comment:

KnittingNutter said...

Sorry she says red-faced, I'm a new blogger and have no control over my buttons - my blog is